
  • There are 86 individual languages indigenous to Ethiopia, of which Amharic is the National Language and is widely spoken by most people.
  • Amharic is written left-to-right using a system that grew out of the Ge’ez script. The writing system is called Fidal, meaning alphabet, script, letter, or character.
  • Most Ethiopians speak conversational English, this is because English language lessons are given in primary and secondary high schools.
  • You can communicate in English in daily conversation in the capital Addis Ababa.
  • English language is the language of instruction mostly used in secondary schools.
  • Click Here for Basic Amharic and English Phrases.


  • People here value their religious beliefs and practices in accordance with the Orthodox Christian teachings and Islamic culture taking the lead with the largest population.
  • Religion in Ethiopia has a greater influence on its people with half the population adhering to Ethiopian Orthodox church teachings.
  • The other half consists of Muslims and those who follow Judaism forms.
  • Wednesdays and Fridays are considered as fasting days by Ethiopian Orthodox followers. The fasting includes no touch on animal and dairy products such as milk, meat and eggs.
  • Expect to see most people wearing small crosses around their necks that act as religious symbols.
  • Friday at noon, most Muslims go to Friday prayer in almost all towns in the country.
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