Traveling tips for different travelers
- Many people all over the world decide to tour Ethiopia to experience the natural wonders and to view the beautiful archaeological sites. Others decide to visit the country solo, with their families or couples
Solo travelers
- Generally, Ethiopia is quite safe, even for solo travelers. However, beware that just like any African country, pickpockets in crowded places like markets and bus stations are common.
- Avoid walking around alone during the night with original documents and a tremendous amount of money.
- It is advisable to leave valuables in your hotel room and only carry copies of your documents with enough cash kept safely under your clothing in a place that is not easily visible.
- As you walk around alone in the streets of major cities and towns like Addis Ababa during the day, walk quickly with confidence and behave like someone who knows where he or she is going to even if you don’t know where you are heading until you find a safe place to make a call to ask for directions.

With Family
Traveling with children
- Ethiopia might not be an excellent place to go with children. Archaeological sites and the cultural attractions here will not readily appeal to the young as they quickly get bored.
- Furthermore, medical facilities and hygiene here are way low and hence will put youngsters at a high risk of catching hygiene-related illnesses.
- Moreover, finding baby food such as baby milk, high-kid chairs, and even nappies will be difficult in rural areas.
Travelers with disabilities
- Ethiopia is generally a challenging place for travelers who have limited mobility.
- Consequently, as compared to western countries, facilities that are meant for travelers with disabilities are quite a few and are majorly found only in luxurious hotels that have wheelchairs.
- Few attraction sites in Gonder and Aksum are quite friendly and can be accessed easily.
- However, in Blue Nile Falls and Lalibela areas, they are sincerely not friendly with wheelchairs because of their rugged and rocky nature
Female travelers
- Ethiopia has been ranked safe for female travelers in Africa. Harassment of women and even rape is something rare as compared to most western countries since most Ethiopians are more religious and respect women.
- Nevertheless, obscenities yelled at women by teenage boys are common around Shashemene areas, and though it is not pleasant, it is something not serious, and it doesn’t happen daily.
- To be safe, avoid drinking in local bars or restaurants alone as this might be interpreted differently by the male gender who might think that you are looking for someone to hook-up with.
- Always try turning down an invitation to a man’s house or an apartment who might interpret the invite as a date.
- When you get to rural areas, avoid stares and negative comments from the locals by dressing appropriately.
- Wear long skirts and dresses that cover your knees and shoulders.